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Eating disorders
Dimitrios Tzirarkas - Dietitian - Nutritionist - Egaleo Attiki


The Nutritional Treatment of Eating Disorders provided to "Nutrition" by the Dietician - Nutritionist Mr. Tziarkas Dimitrios is an important source of support for people suffering from eating disorders such as bulimia, anorexia nervosa and night binge eating syndrome.

Eating disorders require a specialized approach and support. Dietitian Dimitrios Tzirarkas works closely with patients to identify problems in their relationship with food and develop personalized nutrition plans to help restore a healthy relationship with food.

Bulimia is characterized by periodic bouts of overeating, while anorexia nervosa involves a negative attitude towards food. In these cases, the Dietician Tzirarkas contributes to the restoration of the normal relationship with food and the achievement of the natural weight.


Nocturnal binge eating syndrome includes increased food consumption at night, as well as difficulty in controlling body weight. Dietician Dimitrios Tzirarkas helps patients deal with the problem of overeating by creating nutritional plans that will help control overeating.

In summary, Nutritional Treatment for Eating Disorders is a necessary service that offers support and specialized nutritional care for people with eating disorders. Dietician Dimitrios Tzirarkas is here to help patients deal with their problems and return to a healthy lifestyle.